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Lyme News Archives


Mount Sinai (New York) opens new centre for Long Covid and Chronic Lyme (more here)


Kamloops Walk for Lyme: was Sunday -May 5 2024    (more here)


Jury awards $6.5M to Maine family for wrongful death, negligent misdiagnosis.

Read the full story HERE.


A Novel Way to test for Lyme Disease: Raman Spectroscopy

Researchers from Texas A&M University have identified Borrelia infection with 88% accuracy, 85% sensitivity, and 90% specificity using Raman spectroscopy, a light-based test commonly used in chemistry labs, to evaluate human blood samples provided by Bay Area Lyme Foundation’s Lyme Disease Biobank. By providing a unique chemical thumbprint to identify Lyme bacteria faster, Raman spectroscopy has the potential to diagnose the disease earlier. Read the full study HERE.


Canlyme News

Global Lyme Alliance, The University of Central Florida to create a Lyme disease rapid test. 


Mollie Jewett, associate professor and head of the Immunity and Pathogenesis Division at the College of Medicine, and Brian Kim, associate professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, will split a $325,000 grant over two years from the Global Lyme Alliance to create a rapid test that can detect the disease weeks earlier than current tests allow. The new test would eliminate the need to visit diagnostic labs and wait for the results.

Lyme disease is carried by deer ticks and infects people when they are bitten by ticks carrying the bacteria borrelia burgdorferi.  Deer ticks are especially common in the northeastern United States and people are exposed to the ticks usually during outdoor activities. Warming temperatures have helped tick populations explode and infiltrate more areas of the country increasing the chance of getting the disease.


Jewett is creating a molecular test that can not only test for antibodies in the blood specific for the infection, but also directly detect the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. The hand-held diagnostic device which the researchers call the Lyme iDS, combines Jewett’s molecular test with Kim’s detection device.

Click HERE: to read the rest of the article. 


PTLDS: Scientific Reports: Remnants of Lyme Bacteria (David Nield)

Scientists may have discovered a new way of tackling the lingering, debilitating effects of Lyme disease, the tick-borne illness that can lead to flu-like symptoms and a rash called erythema migrans.


The latest research suggests that dead fragments of Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, continue to hang around in the body and can cause unhealthy inflammation in the central and peripheral nervous systems even after treatment.

This might explain why some people who get Lyme disease don't make a full recovery after a few weeks of taking antibiotics; instead, they experience ongoing pain, fatigue, and trouble with their cognitive thinking, a condition known as Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS).

Click HERE: to read the rest of the article.


Click HERE: to read more of the same from



Nov 23/21: We again met with several UBC medical students from various disciplines, again going into break-out rooms for longer discussions and questions. The students impressed us all with their attentiveness and great questions. Susan and Bill took part along with our ME/FM friends.


Provincial Proclamation was again granted on Mar 31/22 confirming 'May is Lyme Awareness Month' in BC.

Click HERE to view the proclamation.  It is being renewed for 2022. 

'Light Up for Lyme in May' included many BC locations. (Click HERE)   


Torrey vs IDSA:

Click HERE:  Torrey vs IDSA  (2017 Federal Lawsuit: Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act)

Lyme Patients denied care. Eight Insurers settle, others have trial set for 2021:  by Mary Beth Pfeiffer


Click HERE: To read about the Court Dismissal Oct 11/21 by Mary Beth Pfeiffer. This will be appealed.



May 12/21: BC Lyme teamed up with the ME/FM Society of BC to meet with over thirty UBC medical students in several disciplines. Seven representatives spoke about our journeys and then we broke into three break-out rooms for longer discussions and question periods. Almost all students were shocked at the stigma, misdiagnosis and unmet medical needs of Lyme and ME/FM sufferers. This project was a lot of work but well worth the effort.  Jeannine, Susan and Bill took part. 


Nov 23/21: We again met with several UBC medical students from various disciplines, again going into break-out rooms for longer discussions and questions. The students impressed us all with their attentiveness and great questions. Susan and Bill took part along with our ME/FM friends.


Provincial Proclamation was granted on April 29/21 confirming 'May is Lyme Awareness Month' in BC.

Click HERE to view the proclamation.  It is being renewed for 2022. 

'Light Up for Lyme in May' included many BC locations. (Click HERE)   


Click HERE:  Torrey vs IDSA  (2017 Federal Lawsuit: Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act)

Lyme Patients denied care. Eight Insurers settle, others have trial set for 2021:  by Mary Beth Pfeiffer


Click HERE: To read about the Court Dismissal Oct 11/21 by Mary Beth Pfeiffer. This will be appealed.


ILADS 2020: The Next Generation of Testing for Lyme disease and Beyond.


HESA Letter to House of Commons

re: Ottawa's failure on Lyme Framework 


Nov 20, 2019 - Disulfiram - See what is reported about this 'game-changing' treatment


Canlyme News


Oct 29, 2019 - Tick-Borne Encephalitis found in United Kingdom


Apr 23, 2019 - Johns Hopkins University -3 Antibiotics clear 'persister' Lyme cells in mice 


Nov 8, 2018 - Cat's Claw Great Tool to Fight Lyme Disease














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